Friday, June 6, 2014

The Line Up

Well it's nearing six months and I've found several potentials. I don't know if I need all of them right now, but I'm sure not turning any of them away. Juggling might be an issue, but I have to figure this out as I go. I'm hoping that I don't over inflate situations, and use a clear head. Because there are some true weirdos out here. That being said, the threshold for bullshit is very low.

3Tongues - 35, Latino. Single (so he say's), Attached to baby mama, Son. Speaks several languages.

3Tongues is REALLY nice, too nice even. He wants to hangout all the time and is always in my face. He's friendly and gives me what I want so I don't mind him being around for now. But I have to ignore him sometimes because I don't like to be smothered.

Old School - 40 summin, Black. Divorced, Son & Daughter.

Old School is very cool to talk to because he speaks fluent nigga. He understands what it takes to take care of a woman and is highly motivated to do so. Also, he's spiritual, insightful, drinks a variety of liquors and smokes loud. #approved. However, I daydream a lot when I'm around him. He doesn't seem to mind. Seems like he has the makings to be a good sponsor. 

Mr. Cafe - ??, Black. ??, ??.

Writing this makes me realize how little I actually know about this dude. But he said he would give me the most money. So fuck it, why not?! However, at the present moment, I couldn't cash his check. I'm trying not to over-think things & remain calm. If I don't hear from him with 48 hours, I'll chalk it up as a loss.

Ball Game - 45, White. Single, Dog. 

Ball Game was really fun to hang out with. I certainly believe he can afford to give me the lifestyle I'm looking for. However something toward the end of our date threw me off. Or maybe I just don't like not getting money after I do anything with a man. The cab fare was cool, but I don't know if I'll want to deal with him at all if I'm not getting an allowance. Living with him can't be the only perk. I know I promised exclusivity but is the Mini Cooper worth it?

Updates coming.

Monday, December 30, 2013

These Are My Confessions

I have a life plan. I need to stop fucking around and find another sugar daddy (or two). I've been dealing with so many fuckboys it's not even funny! I've been wasting time by dating regular men with no disposable income. I was fooling myself into thinking I could be happy with a less than wealthy man when really I just want to be taken care of. Completely. 

To a girl like me, love doesn't matter as much as security. I'm materialistic and I like nice things. I will never apologize for that. People live glamorous lives on a daily basis. There's no reason I shouldn't be able to join in on the fun. I'm an adult, single, educated, have no kids and all the time my flexible schedule will allow. On top of that I have such an open mind that most men are intrigued my words more than anything. 

I don't think there's a man that I can't charm. However, I'm not delusional enough to think every man wants me. Let's just say I know how to get the right type of attention from those who are most attracted to me. The next step is using that attraction to get what I want. 

I've had some mild success in the past but I need to set my sights higher. I've taken a half-assed approach at finding a sugar daddy in the past. But found some good men that I can still reach out to. One thing I've learned about a good sugar daddy is that he wants you to be focused, have a plan, and be open minded. In the past I was lacking focus and that's where things will be different in the coming year. I laid my groundwork now it's time to get the ball rolling. 

I let my work take precedent over looking for a sugar daddy because I need something substantial and tangible. I want greatness and glamour for my life. Will I find that with a sugar daddy? 

Here's hoping....